Speaking at WordCamp Antwerp 2018

I found WordPress in 2013. I have created my profile page on February 4, just about 5 years ago. I was new to web design and very happy to be able to use open source WordPress and start creating websites.

I was very much into web design and development, and I still am. The excitement of learning something new was great. Greater than the thought of never being able to really master it. Nowadays, I am more aware of my preferences, but also my shortcomings. I can learn more focused. But I know that I am lacking time go as fast as I would want to. But that’s the reason that…

I am very proud, happy and honoured to be speaking at WordCamp Antwerp on March 3, 2018.

My talk is about the WordPress Customizer and how users and designers/developers can benefit from it. I will try to show the possibilities for creating a customizable website. It’s a lightning talk, so it will be short and focused. Well, it should be, so I better go and practice. 🙂

Hope to see you there!

Update: Now you can watch my presentation and download the slides. 🙂

